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Team and Booster Club Info

Every season, we ask for a donation to cover the basic costs of funding the program, including:  coaching stipends, costs of transportation to games, events or competitions and the basic costs of providing equipment, supplies, and support.

Team Contacts

Booster Club

The Mira Costa Girls Soccer Booster family is looking forward to an exciting 2023-2024 season.  As an active Mira Costa Booster organization, our mission is to support our talented players, outstanding coaches and highly successful school sports program.

The Mira Costa Girls Soccer Booster Club is proud to support our players and coaches. We are purely a volunteer organization, and your help is needed.

2024-2025 Booster Club
Board & Chairs

Co-President:  Pennie Stepczyk

Co-President:  Karen Farrel

Treasurer:  Kate Brown

Secretary:  Becky Scholten

Website Administrator:  Mariko Ostboe

Soccer Camp: Alexa Young & LeeAnn Wong 

Parent Party: Becky Scholten & Donna Maertz
Hometown Fair Booth: Kate Manuel, Jessica Wright & Lisa O'hara

Fundraising:  Lisa O'hara

Sponsorships: Leslie Mohr

Team Bonding: Stephanie Bui & Amy Yap

Goodrich Tournament: Woody Hauck

Senior Night: Kate Brown

Banquet Committee: Stacy Kase & Kate Brown

Committee Chair positions are open to all Booster Club members.

Please contact Pennie Stepczyk or Karen Farrel if you would like to volunteer.

If you have any questions, please email:

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